Monday, August 22, 2011

Alright, alright, already!

So after much poking and prodding and reminding, I finally got a blog! Too bad I have an appointment with an academic coach in 20 minutes and therefore don't have time to write a proper post or customize my blog right now. I'll try to get it done after my appointment.

Before I leave, here's a short summary of my day today:
  • 9:05-9:55, Geology. Finally met my Geology professor (he's been in Prague). This class is gonna be really easy.
  • 10:10-11, Spanish. Absolutely adore my Spanish class. Right now it's basically review, which is really good. I know all the basic stuff we're learning, and I'm getting a lot of practice speaking which is exactly what I need.
  • 11:10-12ish, Lunch with Bernadette. Had to use a couple Dining Dollars. I'm not thrilled with how meal equivalency is working out. I might wanna change meal plans, but I'm not totally sure yet.
  • 1:30, Appointment with Academic Coach. The office of Disability Services can basically not help me out with my ADHD at all. All they do is classroom accomodations (i.e. extra exam time) which I don't need. So I'm meeting with Julia, who can hopefully help me with time management.
  •  5, Dinner with Donnie at the UC
  • 6, Killer Core with Bernadette at the TRECS. Dreading, but I know I need to.
  • 6:45-whenever, Homework, blogging, and hopefully some knitting.
That's my day in a nutshell. I'll recap my life at college thusfar within the next couple days.

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